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Award winners with Rachael Naylor (center), l-r: Marta Svetek, Karis Pentecost, Fraser Laing and Jenna Sharpe.

See And Congratulate Winners Of The
VoiceOver Network Awards UK 2022
January 31, 2022

(VOXtra) - Excitement from a sparkling voice over awards ceremony in London Friday night is still being felt worldwide, as congratulations roll in for winners of The VoiceOver Network Awards UK 2022.

The event was a feature of The VoiceOver Network's seventh annual birthday party.

Winners of the awards for best achievement in each category are:

Geoff Cotton Award:
Karis Pentecost
Presented by VON founder Rachael Naylor, this award honors Geoff Cotton, a gifted voice artist, actor, singer and VON member who passed away in 2016. VON members nominate candidates for the award who "exemplify (Geoff's) kindness and willingness to help others."
Shining Star Award:
Marta Svetek
Presented by Jon Briggs (the original voice of Siri in the UK).
Master of Marketing Award:
Jenna Sharpe
Presented by Helen Quigley, Creative Audio Producer and Voiceover. Production and development of audio drama, graphic novels and audiobooks. Head of Production at B7 Media.
Rising Star Award:
Fraser Laing
Presented by Andrew Mark Sewell, award-winning independent filmmaker and radio drama producer/director, and owner of B7 Media.
Home Studio of the Year Award:
Brad Shaw
Sponsored by Studiospares, this award was presented by Dave West, Managing Director of Studiospares and Imperative Audio.

The VoiceOver Network - a membership organization founded in 2015 by voice actor Rachael Naylor to "help, support and strengthen the voice over industry" - initiated the awards program in 2016 with the Geoff Cotton Award as part of its annual birthday celebration.

Several categories were added this year, and "this is just the beginning," says Naylor. "Next year's event will be bigger and better."

Judges for this year's competition were a selection of industry experts "who not only know the industry, but who also know the community and The VoiceOver Network membership," Naylor adds.

Also in the works this year are The VoiceOver Network North American events, including an awards program.


"We've had a couple of difficult years due to the global pandemic and the impact that has had on all our lives," says Naylor. "But many voice actors continued to work throughout these difficult times - thanks in part, to their home studios - and have been able to develop their careers despite facing many difficulties.

"As we are hopefully now see a light at the end of the tunnel," she says, "we decided to use our first in-person birthday party in two years to shine a light on the many accomplishments that those in the industry have achieved during this time.

"Being a voice actor isn't just about having a great voice," she adds. "You have to work really hard to establish yourself, and you have to have a wide skill set to achieve this. That is often overlooked and under-recognized, and our awards have taken this all into consideration."


The VoiceOver Network's many activities and programs bring voice actors, agents, producers and casting together from around the globe. Membership includes The Buzz Magazine, The Voiceover Hour live webinars, The Voiceover Hour Podcast, popular GET YOUR GAME ON London 2022 events and more.

For more about the network, visit

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