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THE WORLD IS A MESS ... But Your Attitude And
Positivity Give You Power To Control Outcomes

By Deb Munro
Voice Actor & Coach

The world is a mess!  Let’s face it.  If you’ve been around for as long as many of us have and are lucky enough to still be here to talk about it, you know exactly what I’m talking about because you have something to compare it to. 

In this lost world of technology, there is a disconnect, even though we are all so seemingly interconnected. 

It’s like looking at the cup half empty or half full.  Yes, an old time analogy – but as bad as things can get, whether career, skills, home life, work and more, there is always another way to see things… that spec of light! 

If you look for the light, it will grow and start getting big enough to over power the darkness.

Some of you may be thinking, “She doesn’t know my life or my circumstances, so it’s easy for her to say.”

And you would be right, but it isn’t about a comparison. Rather, it's an understanding that we all go through different experiences, good and bad. So while we might see our circumstances as the worst, there are always others out there in darker places, and others who celebrate more light (whether by chance or by hard work). 


I am a thunderball of positive powerhouse energy. 

If I could bottle it I would.  But I didn’t always live that way. 

I was a teen runaway as a child.  I didn’t love myself and desperately wanted others to love me.  I was seeking attention, but in the wrong ways.   

As I’ve grown and changed my life in such a wonderful direction (with a ton of work, good communication, finding like minds, passion and drive), I’ve learned that most of us are seeking appreciation, not ADMIRATION and not to be better than someone else.

We want to be accomplished. To feel proud. To feel like we’ve made a significant mark in the world. 

IT IS NOT SOMEONE else or any accolade that will do that. It must come from YOU!


The solution is to live in as much positivity and love for yourself as you can. 

Most of us who coach and perform are good people readers.  We can tell when you are confident in yourself and truly love yourself (to the best of your ability).

With that attitude you can be proud of yourself each and every day that you wake up and motivate yourself to leave your mark and spend your precious gift of time on this earth, doing what you love and allowing that to take you into security. 

Our society lives in reason and blame. Let's turn this into power and solution, giving us power to make that change!

We can keep focusing on what is happening all around us, which will truly bring any of us down.  We can continue to hide behind devices and not have real connection with human beings who all have been given the gift to be here. Or we can choose to live each and every precious moment we have been blessed to learn from, and hopefully grow from, loving if anything else, YOU!


Take charge of how you see everything and know that you can control much of your outcome. 

It might take hard work, and you have to be willing to get past the hurdles and not wait for change! 

Don’t let the drama of life sweep you away. Remember that the only one we truly answer to at the end of the day is ourself,  and when we truly love ourself, that’s when we are worth hiring again and again - cause that is who they are truly looking for! 

Take time to celebrate you.

All my love, support and appreciation go with you.
Deb Munro is a culinary of flavors - complimenting a variety of projects from sweet to spicy, organic to exotic and everything in between!  This award winning VO Chef offers over 30 years of vcoice acting experience.  From intimate and real, corporate with flavor of natural, bad ass rock goddess, to textured and dramatic with an energy that is adaptable for any project. A highly respected and recognized talent, Deb also likes to give back and has been able to do so by teaching voice acting/acting worldwide for over 20 years.  A voice talent first, she brings in her own personal experience and uniquely honest approach that tells it like it is without sugar coating and false promises, helping thousands of talents succeed this craft quickly and successfully.  From training, demos, life coaching, marketing, branding and more, Deb is engaging, fun, has enough energy to feed the planet and truly loves what she does and can’t wait to share it with the world.   



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Comments (1)
Jason Webb
3/18/2025 at 11:13 AM
Thank you Deb! I tend to be a rather positive person myself, but boy does it help to get a huge dose of positive first thing in the morning! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
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