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'Positivity' Is Contagious! Four Ways
To Spread It Around - Every Day
December 12, 2017

By Joe Loesch
Voice Actor, Producer, Coach

I'm sure you've picked up the common cold at one time or another, from perhaps someone you were maybe even trying to avoid having contact with, right?

Colds and flu are easily picked up at school, in the workplace, shopping center, church, etc.

Something else that can spread just as fast, and just as easily, is positive energy.

It's actually called Emotional Contagion and affects everyone around you. If you manage your mood well, it can energize everyone you know. But if managed poorly, it can poison everything you touch - and you can forget everything you were planning to accomplish.


We recognize negativity when we see it. It can raise it's ugly head like the villain in a bad movie.

Some people are naturally rude, while others work hard to master their rudeness over time.

If un-watched, negativity will spread like a forest fire. Incivility kills cooperation and slows down or can even halt your progress - and it's on the rise.

Has anyone ever slighted you with an insult the first thing in the day? Most of us have experienced something like this at some point in our lives. That insult most likely ruined your entire day. 

Incidents like this have been proven to conjure up payback later in the day. In the work environment, it hardly leaves you with the feeling of wanting to get your work done, and kills your desire to return to the workplace the next day. It builds resentment. 


Fortunately, you are not at the mercy of incivility.

As it turns out, positive energy spreads just as quickly, plus it's a lot more fun.

We actually know this intuitively, but sometimes we just need to be reminded that our emotions have the greatest impact of all. 


It's near impossible to be in a good mood all the time. But you have more control over this than you may think. 

Here are four ways you can spread positive energy: 

1. Maintain a positive attitude. Set the tone and others will follow. 

2. Be a part of the conversation. Let people know that you respect them, and respect will be returned.

3. Honor others. Encouraging behavior is critical to overcoming indifference. 

4. Celebrate success.
When goals are met, praise and reward efforts.

When you generate positive energy, positive attitudes will flourish!
Joe Loesch is a veteran voice actor, actor, narrator, producer, musician and voice over coach based in Nashville, who also leads the popular Voice Over Booth Camp workshops, often presented by VoiceOverXtra. He has been the voice of many cartoon characters on the Disney Channel, narrates audiobooks for major publishers, and voices commercials for major national and regional brands. He also recorded and produced Dave Ramsey's Junior's Adventures audio CDs, and creates the MO-JOE Friday series of how-to videos, posted on VoiceOverXtra on the first and third Fridays of every month.

See MO-JOE Friday Videos
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Comments (3)
Russ Wayne
12/15/2017 at 5:44 PM
Very good advice, Joe. Thanks for the reminder!
Gary D Lewis
12/12/2017 at 8:17 AM
Especially for the new guy, your positive reinforcement is nice to witness. We are inundated with folks with well intent on making money. So, thanks Joe.

I caught you on Graeme Spicer's show a couple of weeks ago.
12/12/2017 at 6:19 AM
Thanks, Joe. This was very timely for my current situation. I loved how you spelled it out, then gave antidotes. Best wishes
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