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Three Time-Sharing Tips For Large
Voice Over eLearning & Narration Projects
April 6, 2016

(VOXtra) - Got a large eLearning project and worried about time? A fireman comes to your rescue.

And in this case, your rescuer is also a seasoned voice over pro and coach - Marc Scott.

Recently, Marc was voicing a 3,200-word eLearning project for a firefighting program and he thought of creating the brief video below to share three time-saving tips for long-form voice over narration.

Thanks, Marc!

Marc Scott has been involved in broadcasting and voice over since 1995, including work in radio and television, and hosting the number 1-rated Afternoon Drive show in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. "When I’m not recording my latest voice over job you can likely find me at the fire hall: I’ve been a volunteer firefighter since 2000, or playing with power tools."


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Comments (2)
Jay Lloyd
4/8/2016 at 8:03 PM
Marc...very helpful tips! Will save people a lot of "searching".

I go back a few years and never thought of a kid's clicker to make a "sharp" sound. I used the clicking of the stopwatch close to the mic to start recording. Three clicks...on, off, on...and commence recording. Minimal time lost and better vocal marker than "3-2-1" for editing. However with longer scripts necessitating more editing (instead of starting over as on :30/:60 spots) finger-snaps and plain old hand claps also work! Better yet...don't make mistakes! =)

Memo Sauceda
4/6/2016 at 7:37 PM
Hi Marc!
I do something similar, but instead of the clicker (by the way, I didn't know they existed), I do a very high pitch sound.

I just do one every time a do a mistake, and just cut till the next wave sound without a high pitch after it.

Different VOs, different techniques!
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