CAREER Obstacles In The Voice Over Kitchen: Survey Details Challenges Voice Actors Face January 19, 2016 ![]() By 'VO Chef' Deb Munro Voice Actor and Coach In your mind, mix:
My incredible assistant John Harris suggested we survey voice talent on the biggest obstacles that they face, and here are some of the results:
The survey gives us great insight to our obstacles. And I will add some of my own to the list:
As you can see, many obstacles can get in the way. But instead of looking at this list as intimidating, embrace that you may have to face each of these challenges. For me, the voice over career is better than working 9-5 in a routine job, full of workplace drama and other obstacles that don’t give me the satisfaction that I get as a voice actor. All jobs come with ups and downs. Understanding them and rising to the challenge will get you everything you want, no matter what stands in your way. I guess the true key to it all is,"How much do you really want it? Do you want it as much as I or the next person?” In the end, your determination to succeed will affect how you address each of the concerns if/when they come your way. The best part of it is, you belong to a community of individuals who have successfuly faced many of these challenges. And we are lucky to live in a day and age where, even in a job where we are alone in a booth 90% of the time, any understanding ear is never too far away - thanks to forums, Facebook groups, etc. Stay real about the challenges you will face, and prove to yourself that ‘YOU GOT THIS’! ------------------------------------------------ ![]() Deb Munro is a leading and award-winning voice talent and coach, and recently moved to her new home and studio in Toronto. She offers private voice over coaching by phone and Skype, and workshops on voice acting, business and demo prep in many Canadian cities. Email: Web: |
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Comments (1)
Dave Airozo
1/19/2016 at 9:56 AM
Thanks Deb, thanks John. Great article on trials and tribulations. Now to get back on that mountain and keep climbing, after all it's a long way to the top if you want to rock'n'roll. Have a great day.
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