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Voice Actors Competed For Top Prizes
In Grand Finale - Ellie Rodz Wins 'Best Overall'
November 26, 2021

(VOXtra) - In an exciting nearly three-hour online Grand Finale Wednesday night, finalists competed for top prizes, and voice actor Ellie Rodz was hailed as the grand prize winner for Best Over All performance in the Ultimate VO Survivor - Take 2 competition, besting a record 1,827 audition submissions in the contest that dangled more than $120,000 in prizes from scores of voice over industry sponsors.

The Grand Finale's other top audition winners were:
  • Jo Picard, Best Commercial
  • Vijayan Menon, Best Narration
  • Iliana Spirakis, Best Animation
Also among the six top finalists were Avery Luna - who also won as Overall Favorite - and Jaime Wells.

Rodz's grand prize package includes a trip to Hawaii, a Studiobricks panel kit, and Sennheisser 416 microphone. Career package prizes totaling a combined $30,000 were awarded to the other winners. (See all prize packages)

This second annual competition was presented by Get Mic'd, the voice over training company operated by well-known voice talents and coaches Deb Munro and Elley Ray Hennessey. The portal opened in September for audition entries, and enroute to the Grand Finale, we could listen to audition entries, the prize kitty grew, more than 15,000 votes were cast, and video episodes chronicled winners in many categories.


Determining the winners from an abundance of talent "was not easy," Munro says. "The judges tossed and turned, kicked and screamed as they took on the daunting task of choosing from the tip six contestants."

Yet for entrants as well as winners, Munro figures the competition was a "career changing event."

"The world was watching, and many were approached by agents and decision-makers, enhancing their career and giving them a household name in voice! You helped us put our industry in the forefront and showed the world what we do."


In the contest's Special Mention categories, winners were:
  • Best Slate - Joel Pettigrew
  • Best Song - Nola Faye Dodd
  • Best Overall Audition - Matt Chalik
  • Best Newbie MALE - Ryan Pendsky
  • Best Newbie FEMALE - Kiyana Morgan
  • Senior Talent - Mike Hanson
  • Youngest Talent - Alfie Bjorkes
  • Top Risk - Memo
  • Best Accent - Lizzie Wofford
  • Best Puppet - Brian Doe Chua
  • Best Slapstick Comedy - Jahmal JROX
  • Most Colorful Inspiration - Sarah Glyszon
  • Best Costume - Birdie Trax
  • Breaking The Norm - Jess Pierce
  • Best Location - Iliana Spirakis
  • Best Live Inspiration - Leah Arscott
  • Warmest Storyteller - Doug Bartling Jr
  • Best Performance - No Slate - Megan Youman
  • Best Service - Cedric Boswell
  • First Audition - Dennis Hull
  • Best Social Media - Molly Rock
  • Best Social Media - Scott W Fields
  • Most Colorful - Erik Cui
  • Best Singer - Alydel-vee
  • Best Bodily Fluid - Linda Del Grego
  • Most Colorful Personalities - Chris Einspahr
  • Best Multiple Auditions - Heather Loreto
  • Best Multi-Lingual Slates - Daniel Alejandro
  • Best Pro - TBD
  • Most Humorous Dedication - Maria Catalano
  • Most Dedicated - John Meisner
Congratulations to all! And to Get Mic'd's Deb Munro and Elley Ray Hennessey for their tireless energy and time devoted to the giant success of Take 2.

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