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Voice Over Demos Are Jumping Into Video:
How To Set Up Your YouTube Channel
February 9, 2017

By J. Christopher Dunn

Voice Actor

Are you ready for the video internet?

Guardian Editor Chris Trimble projects that by some time this year, video will account for 69% of all consumer internet traffic.

Internet portals YouTube and Vimeo will deliver videos to everything from mobile devices to your desktop computer and your living room television.

And Trimble warns that small businesses that don’t embrace video in their marketing approach "…will do so at their peril.”

OK. That caught my attention.


Early last year, I began developing a business specific to videos for voice actors.

I noticed many fellow actors used video to showcase their work. Most were links to full TV commercials, explainer videos and corporate videos.

And I imagined that a better way to visually demonstrate one's talent would be to use multiple short clips in a single demo video, and to make it available on a voice actor’s YouTube channel and website.

So, the first part of the process was creating a setup guide to help get a person up and running on YouTube.

My initial thinking was to charge a token amount that could later be applied to the cost of creating compilation videos for voice talent - but I'm offering it now to you free. No strings attached.

Click here to download your free YouTube Channel Setup Guide for Voice Actors (which comes in three parts):

What can a voice over video look like? Here are two different approaches.

One uses a business card form, mixed with details about me ...

The second is a compilation from a number of projects that use my voice. It works well for audio demos, why not video as well?

The final development stage of this business is in progress and I’m getting close to releasing it to the wild. Stay tuned!

PS: Please look through the YouTube guide and let me know what you think. Is it helpful? Missing crucial details? What would make it better? Leave your feedback below and happy videoing.
J. Christopher Dunn is a professional voice actor who lives in the Pacific Northwest close to Seattle. He voices commercials, web demos, podcasts, product demonstrations, telephony projects and documentaries. His voice is described as friendly, warm and trustworthy - the guy next door or the voice of high profile corporate presentations. He also spends time with the Penn Cove Players, a Whidbey Island, WA troupe that performs original audio dramas, as we all as recreates old time radio shows in front of a live studio audience.

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Comments (6)
Fred Humberstone
2/10/2017 at 11:46 AM
Wow, this is great information to help everyone expand their media presence. Thanks for creating these guides and sharing them.
Cat Lookabaugh
2/10/2017 at 8:57 AM
What tool or app did you use to create your videos, please?
J. Christopher Dunn
2/9/2017 at 8:11 PM
Hi Jennifer- I'm thrilled you appreciate the little guides I put together. I hope you find them useful!
2/9/2017 at 9:35 AM
I like it J. Christopher! What a great idea and definitely gets your attention. Thank you for sharing.
2/9/2017 at 9:05 AM
Chris, thanks so much for the helpful advice. I've always wondered how this is done.
jennifer dixon
2/9/2017 at 8:48 AM
J.Christopher Dunn, Thank you for your generosity in doing this and sharing your work. Very much appreciated!
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