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Voice 2008 Report: Friday, Aug. 8

VoiceOverXtra's Bloggin' Dream Team is reporting on daily events at Voice 2008 - the voice-over industry's major annual conference, Aug. 7-11, at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza hotel in Los Angeles. Look for continuous updates at the VoiceOverXtra home page. Team members are voice actors Bob Souer, Kara Edwards, Dave Courvoisier and Bobbin Beam, led by webmaster John Florian.
Also show bloggin:
An LA sunset backdrops a party that drifted onto Julie Williams' hotel balcony. Host Julie is in the middle.
Overload ... In A Good Way!
Seminars and Panels Begin
Dave Courvoisier
Woo-Hoo...what a day! Smiling is an endless pursuit here at Voice 2008.
Today the keynotes and the break-out sessions began. Susan Berkley was called away to her father's funeral, so James Alburger and Penny Abshire stepped in with a full program they threw together in about a day. It didn't look thrown together. It looked good.

The general session room is elegant, well-equipped with A/V and is nicely accomodating. More, with photos ...
Helping Presenters Brings VO
Acting and Marketing Tips ...
Bobbin Beam

I had a bit of a restless night, so I woke up tired. I think I was just amped out because of all the incredible energy happening here, and having adrenalin overload.

Susan Berkley was unable to make it here for the keynote because of a family tragedy. Susan lost her Dad on Tuesday night, so James Alburger and Penny Abshire stepped up.

My first assignment was as assistant to Canada's Deb Munroe of Chianti Productions. The role of assistant is to make sure the needs of the presenter are addressed. In short, Deb is full of tremendous energy and insight into auditioning. Her tips: More ...
Exhibit Hall Opens; VoiceOverXtra
Hosts VOD Podcast & Many Visitors
John Florian
A tide of voice actors flows into the Exhibit Hall - chats, learns and enters contests - then trickles out, predicted to return again at the end of another education session or for lunch.
Such is the scene for dozens of exhibitors today, offering a range of tech, training and info services.
The chats are honest, good natured and often the start of a long-term relationship; something you can feel from a smile and handshake.
At the VoiceOverXtra booth:
  • Terry Daniel and Trish Basanyi create a mid-day stir when they set up a mobile studio and conduct a half hour of interviews for their next Voice Overs On Demand podcast.
  • Voice actor/attorney Rob Sciglimpaglia smiles through Q&A's about his voice and acting careers and legal/business services.
  • Voice actor and Connecticut workshop sponsor Anthony Piselli discusses voice-over stars teaching his upcoming events.
  • Erik Sheppard, board member of SaVoa - the Society of Accredited Voice Over Artists, drops off a pile of informative brochures about the organization.  
  • Voice talent Elizabeth Eakin finds she can sport three of our neon pencil giveaways in her hair (see the green!).
And I'm often asked:
  • What do I get from VoiceOverXtra? (24/7 of online voice-over news and resources to guide your career success, plus special reports and ...)
  • How long have you been around? (Me personally? Many years. But the web site: about one year, since July 2007.)
  • And how's it going? (Great! With about 1,000 subscribers to date and hundreds of daily site visitors.)
By the way, I add: toss your biz card into the bowl for a free newsletter subscription and a chance to win a limited edition Voice Actors hat.
Indeed, the bowl swells with cards. At day's end we ask teen voice talent Brandi Munro to reach into the bowl - no peeking! - to draw three winning cards.
Janet Benson, Cynthia Ramirez and Luzelena Montaño - come pick up your hats!
'She's Really Good!' Seminars Are
Fascinating and Informative ...
Kara Edwards
Between you and me, I considered putting this post off until tomorrow, as I'm just plain beat from another amazing day! But I figured it best to put pen to paper ... ahem, fingers to keys ... while the memories were still somewhat fresh in my brain!

The day began at 8 a.m. I received a phone call from my local newspaper with some follow-up questions to an article being written (details to come on Sunday!). Then, I had some other work to take care of. So sadly, I missed both morning sessions at VOICE. Dagummit!

I arrived at the Hyatt at noon, and joined Bobbin Beam, Rick Reid, and a few other voice actors for a quick lunch. After some chit-chat, I went to my first session with Gabrielle Nistico from Voice Hunter. She spoke about the ins and outs of radio imaging. More ...
Dan O'Day Summit Friday Features
Dick Orkin & Nancy Wolfson ...
Bob Souer
There are many comments and photos to post about this day, but they’re going to have to wait for just a bit because I’ll have to copy the photos from my camera to my hard drive and I’m too sleep-deprived at the moment to make that happen.

That update will include my comments about Dick Orkin’s contributions to this year’s Dan O'Day International Radio Creative & Production Summit (now in LA) and about sitting in the hot seat during the Critique-A-Spot-A-Thon.

But for the moment, what I’d like to highlight is Nancy Wolfson and her afternoon-long seminar on voice-over. More, with photos ...
LA Beats Smoggy Beijing on 8/8/08!
Dave Courvoisier

The number "8" is considered superlative good luck in Asia, especially China (why else do you suppose they chose today to kick off the Olympics?).

That ho-hum event over there in smoggy Beijing, though, can't compare to our convocation here in smoggy LA!

Voice 2008 begins in earnest this morning with presenters Julie Williams, Deb Munro, Beverly Bremers, Gabriele Nistico, Raleigh Pinskey, and Marc Cashman.
Susan Berkely was scheduled to give the keynote today, but was called away unexectedly by the death of her father two days ago. More, with photo ...
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