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Voice 2008 Report: Saturday, Aug. 9

VoiceOverXtra's Bloggin' Dream Team is reporting on daily events at Voice 2008 - the voice-over industry's major annual conference, Aug. 7-11, at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza hotel in Los Angeles. Look for continuous updates at the VoiceOverXtra home page. Team members are voice actors Bob Souer, Kara Edwards, Dave Courvoisier and Bobbin Beam, led by webmaster John Florian.
Nancy Wolfson: Develop Your Brand;
Randy Thomas: Let Life Guide You
Kara Edwards
As I sit down to write out my thoughts and experiences of the day, it's dawned on me that I actually have to flip back through my program to remember where I've been! It was another incredible day at VOICE!

My first session today was with my voice coach and branding extraordinaire - Nancy Wolfson! Nancy can explain branding and the importance of good branding like no one else. It was fun to watch the faces of the folks around me as they 'got it.' More ...
Voice Actors Are the Nicest People;
Killer Panels: Bob Bergen & Peter Rofé
Dave Courvoisier
Voice actors are the nicest people in the world! No...really!

I'm not sure why, but they seem about the most helpful, willing, relational, and genuinely approachable set of people I know.

After my earlier blog today, I finally got a short nap .. .very short. But I didn't want to miss the afternoon sessions.

Milling around the foyer, waiting for the doors to open to the general session, and who do I run into but Joe Cipriano! Approachable? You bet! He greets me by my first name, and I say: "YOU... know ME?"

"Of course!" he says. And luckily I had my camera ready. More, with photos ...
Weather Delightful ... But Who
Has the Time To Enjoy It?
Bobbin Beam
The weather here in LA has been remarkably clear and lovely. Not too hot, smoggy of any of the stereotypical legendary things one hears of when it comes to descriptions of Los Angeles. I was laughing about the lovely weather yesterday because I hadn't been outside for two days!

Well, Saturday featured an excellent line-up of presenters. I was running around too much to concentrate heavily on the content. I figure I'll do a LOT of reading of all my workbooks when I return to San Diego. Yesterday was my assigned staff team leader day. Wicked crazy, exhausting and fun.

I did, however, take a lot of photos, which will be showing on my blog, eventually. I sat in on Nancy Wolfson's session on branding. Nancy is this incredible ball of energy. Her presentation was fast-paced and insightful. I also heard Randy Thomas' encouraging words on never giving up. More ...
Event Overwhelmingly Wonderful
And Inspiring; A Few Photos ...
Bobbin Beam
This event is overwhelmingly wonderful and inspiring! Today I am assigned to be a Team Leader.  I am very busy and will post more photos and blog more later. More, with photos ...
Dan O'Day's Radio Summit Welcomes
Return of Dick Orkin & Radio Ranch
Bob Souer
One of the major highlights of Dan O’Day’s Summit 2008, also in LA now, was the return of Dick Orkin to the event. Dick was co-founder and participant in the Summit for the first several years.

Dick is truly a creative genius of the first rank and it was inspiring to hear a number of examples of radio campaigns that his Radio Ranch has created through the years, in the context of the initial challenges set by the clients and how they found solutions to those challenges through the commercials they created.
But before all that got started, Dan had to convince Dick to actually join him on the platform. More, with photos ...
Beverly Bremers' Voicercise;
Branding Expert Nancy Wolfson
Dave Courvoisier
Excellence is what it's all about here at Voice 2008.  And when I say that, I'm picturing Garth from Saturday Night Live.
I'm also thinking of the technically correct sense of the term. From top to bottom, volunteers to vendors, presenters to production - Voice 2008 is a steep improvement on last year's nascent event.

This morning, VO-BB'er Caryn Clark bopped over to where I was sitting and insisted on a picture. Voice actors are the nicest community of people in the world.

Voice artist Beverly Bremers made the keynote address this morning on how to take care of your voice. Voicercise (which she has trademarked), do's and don'ts, vocal exercises, relaxation techniques. More, with photos ... 
Who Says Exhibit Visits Can't
Be Fun? Proof Is In The Pix ...
John Florian
This conference has switched my traditional role of attending sessions to one tending the VoiceOverXtra Exhibit Hall booth.
Not that I'm complaining! A steady "traffic" during session breaks has boosted our subscription list to what's now likely to top1,100. That's alota VO eyes for our career newsletters. And I'm meeting fabulous people.
The visitors do seem to have fun, too, as captured in these Saturday pix ...
Christopher Lula, VoiceOverXtra staffer, and Nikki Strong - maybe our 1,100th subscriber!
Voice Overs On Demand podcasters Terry Daniel and Trish Basanyi. Below: Hmmm ... maybe this is what REALLY goes on behind the mic.
Ron Levine ... aka the voice of Santa Claus!
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