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VOICE 2008 Conference In LA
Adds Presenters & Sets Schedule
March 25, 2008
More presenters have been announced, and all have been slated into the jammed-packed schedule of VOICE 2008 - The VoiceOver International Creative Experience. It’s the voice-over industry's second annual conference and exposition.
This year’s event brings talent from many countries to the Hollywood area Aug. 8-11 (Friday to Monday), at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza, on the Avenue of the Stars in Century City, Los Angeles. 
Actually, conference attendees should arrive a day early, Thursday, Aug. 7, to attend a Red Carpet Reception that evening from 6 to 8 p.m.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings open with a General Session with four presentations, followed by networking breaks and time to visit the Exhibit Hall (see!).
Afternoons feature simultaneous break-out sessions, categorized by three tracks to suit various career levels: 
  • Just Starting
  • Already Working
  • Working Pro
There will also be evening sessions, and on Sunday night, the VOICE 2008 Celebrity Banquet featuring dinner (of course) and a Celebrity Tribute. There is an extra charge for this event.
Monday morning wraps at 11 a.m.
Currently more than two dozen presenters and session leaders fill the schedule. These voice-over pros and topics are:
Chris Allport, Mastering Self-Direction
Dan Balestrero, Mastering Voiceovers
Bob Bergen (voice of Porky Pig), Conversations with Porky
Susan Berkley, Opening Keynote Address
Beverly Bremers, The Care and Feeding of Your Voice
Marc Cashman, Voiceover Master Class
Joyce Castellanos, Voicing Promos & Trailers for Radio/TV
David Coleman, Advances in VO Technology
Pat Fraley, Dialect Secrets for Voiceover
Marc Graue, VO from Both Sides of the Glass
Richard Horvitz, Character Crazies
Steve Hudson, The PSR Method
Stefan Chinell (Sweden’s top voice talent), International Voiceover
Joe Klein, Recording the Best You Can Be
MJ Lallo, Characters That Move
Larry Maizlish, Voice Talent from the Talent Buyer’s Perspective
Lee Marshall (voice of Tony the Tiger), Making the Transition from Radio to VO
Deb Munro, Audition Wizardry
Gabrielle Nistico, topic to be announced
Raleigh Pinskey, Your 8-Second Message
Karly Rothenberg, Improvisation for Voiceover
Randy Thomas (voice of the Academy Awards), Women in Voiceover
Julie Williams, Proven VO Techniques
Nancy Wolfson, Braintracks Branding Exclusive
Check the show program for days and times of these presentations.
VOICE event tuition:
  • $597 - earlybird special through May 15
  • $697 - May 16-July 31
  • $797 - after Aug. 1 and walk-ins.
Day passes are not available.
Sunday Banquet: $85 additional.
Hyatt Hotel: $169/night single; $199/night double.
Parking: $20/day for overnight guests; $15/day for day visitors.
To register, jump into the VOICE 2008 Forum and check the schedule, visit the web site: Or contact
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