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Pat Fraley Makes 'House Calls'
With Free Voice Over Lessons
January 26, 2012

(VOXtra) - Free training from a star voice talent and master trainer?

That's right. And what's more, the legendary Pat Fraley even makes house calls to your computer.

One of the top 10 performers of all time to be cast in animated TV shows, Pat is not only one of the world's top voice talents and teachers, but also one of most generous.

Devoting more and more of his time to sharing his knowledge with others, through workshops in Los Angeles and around the U.S., he also often shares advice in videos and audios on a variety of topics.


Currently at his website are 36 free video and audio lessons in voice over, ranging from:
  • animation, character voice and dialects to
  • audiobook narration skills,
  • comedy performance skills,
  • home recording,
  • voice over business,
  • essential voiced over skills, and
  • tricks and techniques.
For instance, Pat gives a character voice lesson called Working Inside Out, which he describes the process as "a rapid way of creating character voices, which addresses their uniqueness and inner life."

Check out the many more entertaining and informative sessions here, or visit:

And while at the website, you can navigate to the LEARN tab to see info about his next in-person training opportunities.

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Comments (7)
6/5/2017 at 11:40 PM
I am learner, i have done drama in yrs 9-10 i would like learn more
9/20/2015 at 10:57 AM
I am a lady with\ many voices, I quick witted, I've been making people laugh at the age of 12 .. Well, life happened and I put all the things on the back burner. I gave passion but since the kids 4 of them mind you ;) I can feel it in my bones. The Improv , The writing . the Jokes , IT school, .SO I came across this app. I hope that it works for what I'm trying to work on.
Thank Have a beautiful Sunday Funday,
Uta DiFrancesco
1/27/2012 at 5:38 PM
Sounds great. I have a CD demo but it seems you need several to send out. I paid a good amount for that and lots of workshops and haven't gotten anywhere because I don't know the right way to advertise or be known. I don't know how to send my CD out to possible clients on my computer either. So I am stuck and feel it was a waste. It is discouraging starting out with hope and then it's all in vain. I was doing quite well at the workshops and loved it. I am in an exotic niche because i have a slight accent in German but it is not the usual German accent with a resonate voice. I have no problems ever reading or pronouncing words. Actually I am quite good. I speak fluent German, English and had 4 years of French. Just telling you a little bit of myself. Meanwhile I have done showcases in acting, etc. and will see how that goes. Had some Improv workshops and I am good. This for now. Take care, Uta
Maxine Lennon
1/27/2012 at 12:31 PM
Great Pat - generous as always - thank you...
Roy Wells
1/27/2012 at 7:11 AM
Thanks Pat, you is a gud guy!
Rick Lance
1/26/2012 at 12:32 PM
This is a good reminder to those who haven't been to his website. I've been there several times. Not only are his Fee Lessens informative and instructional, but very entertaining as well. Just as you would expect from Pat.

Too bad there's no personality coming through in that headshot of his!
Kathy Meagher-Fernandes
1/26/2012 at 12:25 PM
You're the best, have always been an inspiration to me and now Free Lessons. You are so very generous and I am so grateful!
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